Property worth Rs 80 million destroyed in Kavre due to bird flue

By No Author
Published: August 15, 2013 06:30 PM
BANEPA, Aug 15: Property worth Rs. 80 million was destroyed due to bird flu at three poultry farms in Kavre district.

Veterinary doctor at the District Livestock Office, Kavre, Raghu Shrestha, said that property worth Rs. 35 million had to be destroyed at Nepal Hatchery Farm of Ram Hari Dhakal at Sanga of Nasikasthan, and property worth Rs. 45 million at two farms of Ashapuri Hatchery at Janagal and Mahendrajyoti VDCs in the district. [break]

The bird flu was detected in the areas linked with Bhaktapur district, but it has not been found at other places, said Shrestha.

A total of 15,270 chickens and 11,543 eggs ready for hatching chicks, 8,860 eggs and 8,550 kilograms of poultry feed of Nepal Hatchery were destroyed.

Similarly, 6,670 chickens, 1,600 kilograms of poultry feed and 3,185 ready-for-hatching chicks of Janagal-based Ashapuri Hatchery were also destroyed.

Likewise, 8,140 chickens, 38,310 eggs ready for hatching and 1,700 kilograms of poultry feed of Mahendrajyoti VDC-based Ashapuri Hatchery were also destroyed, according to the District Livestock Office, Kavre.

However, there was no bird flu at other places in Kavre, said Dr. Shrestha.