Our suffocating, narrow-minded society

By Tejaswi Pahari
Published: August 17, 2017 12:37 PM

We live in the 21st century where the world has become a global village, but unfortunately there are some exceptions that are stuck where they were ages before. The world is developing so are our infrastructures, technologies, educational systems, law and order, surroundings and people’s mindset. We have to move on in life in accordance to the changes. 

Change is an integral part of all our lives and we should accept that change and update ourselves according to the time and situation for our betterment.  However, even in today’s age some still believe that daughters are burden for their parents and they should get married as soon as they reach 24. 
But is getting married and having babies the ultimate goal of a girl’s life? Isn’t she allowed to have dreams, desires, and ambitions? Doesn’t she have any rights to study, make a career choice, be independent and live her dreams to the fullest? \

The prevailing gender biasness can be eradicated, but we should make efforts in an individual level. 

Every single daughter in this universe is special. I have seen some educated fools discriminating their sons and daughters. Girls should have equal rights as men in all sorts of things. I haven’t seen someone asking a guy to get married and settle down in life, no matter how old he gets. 

The prevailing gender biasness can be eradicated, but we should make efforts in an individual level. We should widen our perspective and stop torturing girls with gender stereotypes. The course of time will put everything in place, so no one can and should try to hurry others or poke their nose in others’ life. 

Trust your daughters to be wise enough and make sensible decisions in life. Live your life to the fullest and let others live too. 
Tejaswi has completed her postgraduate in Development Studies from Kathmandu University School of Arts, Lalitpur.