OPD service extended till evening in Jumla

By DB Buda
Published: January 11, 2017 12:20 AM

JUMLA, Jan 11: Just over a year ago, it was very difficult for locals of Jumla district to get Out Patient Department (OPD) service in hospitals after 1 pm. But the situation has changed for better as they now get the service way beyond the previous deadline.

Rampati Rokaya, a local of Sija, visited Karnali Academy of Health Sciences Teaching Hospital on Sunday at around 4 pm with scant hope of benefitting from the OPD service would be available. But he was surprised to get the service.

“Earlier, the OPD service was limited only for patients of the district headquarters living near the hospital. But now, even people of far flung places can have access to the service,” said Rokaya.

Like him, many locals of the rural areas of the district are very happy as the service is becoming easily accessible these days.

The number of patients in the hospital is growing day by day due to the cold weather. And the availability of OPD service till late in the evening has made their life very convenient.

“No matter what time we reach the hospital, we can easily obtain necessary medicines. This has made our life very easy,” said Dharma Raj Budha of Chaudhabise.

According to Praveen Kumar Giri, director of Karnali Academy, the OPD service has been opened from 10 am to 4 pm. 

The hospital receives about 90 patients per day, informed the administration. Most of the patients come for treatment of asthma, stomachache, pneumonia, and rheumatic pains among others, the hospital informed.

District Health Office (DHO), Jumla, said the OPD service has been in operation till 4 pm from November 30. But the service will be provided till 5 pm after January 28, keeping in mind the convenience of patients who have to walk more than two hours to reach the hospital, added the DHO.