Oceans changes its emotions

By Moin Uddin
Published: October 29, 2019 09:22 AM

You might have tried your best

To convince her to be with you for the rest

But she denies and doesn't give you clear explanations

And you don't know what to do whether to leave her or wait until the oceans changes its emotions.


If she doesn't love you anyway

You might have said her to go faraway

But she comes to you time and again

And still she rejects your love and you go through pain.


What to expect and how to react

It's clear, isn't it, as she has said but she doesn't move from it

I've tried many times and blocked her from reaching me

But the heart once given doesn't feel good to get it back in return and we are divided into three.


Last time when we talked and again I explained my emotions

She might have joked and said that she's lesbian

It might be her idea to stop me from reaching out to get her

As I've no control of all these and my head was bursting and said her to have a great time with whom she has love for. 


You might have tried your best

To convince her to be with you for the rest

But she denies and doesn't give you clear explanations

And you don't know what to do whether to leave her or wait until the oceans changes its emotions.