NSC asked to provide cash prizes to gold medalists of National Games as promised

By Republica
Published: June 04, 2017 10:30 PM

KATHMANDU, June 4: Nepal National and International Players Association (NNIPA) submitted a letter to draw attention of National Sports Council (NSC) over various issues on Sunday.

NNIPA led by its President Dipak Shrestha submitted a four-point letter to NSC Member Secretary Keshav Kumar Bista at the office of the NSC, which is the governing body of Nepali sports, Satdobato. 

NNIPA's President Shrestha informed that the letter in the first point has demanded that NSC provide the cash prizes to gold medalists of the Seventh National Games held in Eastern Region last year. The NSC had announced to provide cash prize of Rs 15,000 to each gold medalists in individual event and Rs 7,000 to each gold medalists in team event. However NSC still hasn't provided the promised cash prizes to the players. 

Similarly in the second point, NNIPA asked the authority to build necessary infrastructures and start proper training camps as preparations for the upcoming 13th South Asian Games (SAG) to be held in 2019 in Nepal. 

Likewise, in the third point, NNIPA has demanded that the NSC start the timely preparations to ensure successful organization of the upcoming Eighth National Games to be held in Nepalgunj after two years. In the fourth point NNIPA has demanded NSC to unveil the proper calendar of events about the programs to be held in 2074 BS.

Meanwhile, President Shrestha said that NSC Member Secretary promised to provide all the cash prizes to the gold winners of the national games within the next seven days.

"NSC Member Secretary has promised us to provide the cash prizes to the players as promised and we are hopeful that players will be finally paid despite delay of almost six months after conclusion of the national games," said Shrestha. 

"Bista also assured us of unveiling the calendar of sports events soon after the clarification over the topic of budget allocated for NSC," said Shrestha. 

NNIPA's Former President Dipak Bista, Vice-presidents Dipak Thapa and Hari Khadka among others accompanied President Shrestha while handing over the attention letter to the NSC chief.