New candidates face same old demands in Baitadi

By Bira Gadal
Published: November 16, 2017 07:42 AM

BAITADI, Nov 16:  Candidates of various political parties have put in a lot of efforts to form new and impressive agendas for the upcoming polls, but the demands of the voters in Baitadi has remained the same. 

Although time has changed and even the candidates are different now , the locals are dogged by the same old problems. During the elections, leaders and politicians often make larger than life dreams which they can hardly deliver. As a result, voters have to repeat the same demands time and again.

Tallo Sworad, the birthplace of the first female minister of South Asia - Dwarika Devi Thakurani- is grappled with various problems. 

This place is lagging behind in development in terms of various things. In each election, locals of this place urge the candidates for drinking water, road facility, and electricity among others. But their demands are rarely addressed.

According to Dev Datta Kalauni, principal of Manilek Secondary School, changing the economic status of the people is a far-fetched dream when leaders have not even been able to fulfill the basic and fundamental necessities of people. 

"We have always been neglected except during the elections," he said. 

Almost after three decades since initiating the Patan-Pancheswar road section, the track is finally set to open in the current fiscal year.

 "Although it is dusty, the locals are happy to get road access," said Dhwaj Bahadur Chand of Melauni Municipality-7, adding, "We will be voting for the candidates who will blacktop this road and free us from this dust pollution." As stated by him, the locals these days are very wise and capable of understanding the intents of the candidates.

Despite producing a female leader more than six decades ago, women in this village are engulfed in various problems which need long-term solutions. Lack of drinking water often leads to quarrels and disputes among the locals here. 

"Government changes, leaders change but our problems have always remained the same," said Saru Nayak of Melauni Municipality-1.

Locals have urged the candidates to prioritize road, electricity and drinking water as always. Pancehswar Multipurpose Project, one of the most -hyped projects,  is yet to gain momentum. So, locals have demanded the candidates to prioritize this too.