KATHMANDU, Dec 23: Former minister and a leader of the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Khagaraj Adhikari has registered a resolution motion in the parliament secretariat on Sunday seeking a House directive to the government to take diplomatic initiative to remove Indian troops from Kalapani and Lipulekh areas in far-western Nepal.
Adhikari has sought three major directives from the House of Representatives including demarcation of the Nepal-India border in the Kalapani area, removal of the Indian troops from the territory and formation of a parliamentary committee to oversee the border issues and facilitate the government initiatives relating to the border issues.
Another NCP lawmaker Ram Kumari Jhakri has seconded the resolution motion.
“Through the resolution motion, I have demanded removal of foreign troops from the Kalapani and Lipulekh areas of Nepal and management of Nepali border in the area,” said Adhikari.
Praising the unity among the political parties over the border issue with India, the resolution motion has also sought participation of national forces for demarcation of the border in the disputed areas as well.
The resolution motion comes at a time when the government is facing immense pressure from the ruling and opposition parties for not taking initiatives as expected to recover the encroached Nepali territory in Kalapani and Lipulekh. At least two parliamentary committees have also directed the government to issue a new political map of Nepal by including Limpiadhura area near Kalapani in Nepali territory after an Indian map released in November showed the Nepali territory inside India.
According to the parliament regulations, the speaker of the House has the authority to decide whether to allow or disallow deliberations on any resolution in parliament. If the resolution motion is endorsed from the House by a general majority, the government should submit a report to the parliament after implementing it.