KATHMANDU, June 8: Infections from ‘Nairobi fly’ have been found in three municipalities of Jhapa district. The victims of the infection are from Mechinagar, Arjundhara and Birtamode municipalities.
According to Kalam Niraula, a health assistant who runs a drug store at Mahananda Chowk in Arjundhara Municipality-6, on Thursday itself, 100 people infected with Nairobi Fly were sent back with necessary medicines.
Niraula said that he has been giving antiviral cream to the infected people who come complaining about the small pustules on their hands, feet and necks. He said that the cream heals the wounds within two to three days.
He mentions that there has been a crowd of people affected by the infection in local medical stores. Niraula, who has been running a pharmacy for the past seven years, says that it was the first time he had sold so much antiviral cream.
He reports having sold the cream to more than 400 people in a week. Currently, the infection is more prevalent among children and senior citizens. The Health Office, Jhapa, however, commented that no patient with the infection from the Nairobi Fly has visited any hospital or health post in the district so far.
Similarly, Chudamani Luitel, statistician at the district health office, said that even though pharmacies have claimed that they have had visits from infected people seeking medicine, no patients with the infection could be found when asked in the official health office.