MoE in dilemma over exit point for secondary education

By Republica
Published: October 22, 2016 07:58 AM

KATHMANDU, Oct 21: The Ministry of Education (MoE) is in a dilemma regarding the exit point for the secondary education system. MoE is likely to adopt two exit points in secondary education examinations.

Education Minister Dhani Ram Paudel, in a discussion held  at the ministry on Friday, said that they were obliged to stick to the past values of the examination system and also adopt a new system provisioned in the new education act. “We are yet to decide on this,” said Paudel. “However, we will come to a formal conclusion soon, incorporating feedback from the stakeholders,” he added.

The Office of the President approved the eighth amendment to the Education Act 1972 as per Article 113 (2) of the Constitution of Nepal 2073 (2016) some four months ago. The bill was endorsed by Parliament about five months ago. 

The amended act has envisioned school-level education at the basic/elementary (grades 1 to 8) and secondary  (grades 9 to 12) levels, shifting from the existing primary (grades 1 to 5), lower-secondary (6 to 8), secondary (9 to 10) and higher secondary ( 11 to 12) levels.

The amended act has categorized private schools into two groups- new ones under trusts and old ones under the company act, and provisions free education up to grade 12, transfer of teachers to  the status of civil servants and their evaluation and promotion on the basis of school results, according to MoE. It has also scrapped the Higher Secondary Education Board and integrated plus two level into school level education. The act has provisioned for the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examinations to be held in grade 12.

The new act also provisions for the formation of the National Education Council, National Examination Board (NEB) and Education Review Office. According to MoE, it formed the NEB some three months ago. However,  government bodies and education stakeholders including NEB do not have any definite concept regarding replacement of the SLC exams.
Many representatives from private schools, teachers and the education sector insist on keeping two exit points in secondary education against the spirit of the Education Act.

“There must be two exit points for secondary education, in grades 10 and 12,” they said representing a traditional mindset.

Educationist Dr Mana Prasad Wagle suggested that the SLC exams be held at grade 12 as per the law. “We can’t change that. But we can rename it the School Level Certificate Examinations (SLCE) as per  law,” he said. “Grade 10 exams to be conducted at the regional or provincial level can also be suitably named,” he added.

A few stakeholders, including journalist Sudarshan Ghimire, underlined the need to adopt only one exit point for secondary education, in grade 12. “If the law has mentioned grades 0-8 as basic/elementary level and grades 9-12 as secondary education, there must be an exit point at grade 12 alone,” he said.

Dr Hari Prasad Lamsal, spokesman at MoE, floated two exit points, at grades 10 and 12. “SLC must be at grade 12 and the exam to be taken in grade 10 can be labeled secondary education certificate,” he said. “However, the ministry is yet to decide on this officially.”