Miss Washington USA resigns title after not disclosing DUI

By No Author
Published: January 18, 2016 06:07 AM
SEATTLE, Jan 18: Pageant officials say Miss Washington USA Stormy Keffeler has resigned her title after she failed to disclose a DUI conviction.

The Seattle Times reports  police stopped Keffeler in April 2015 for driving on flat tires. Court documents show her blood alcohol level was above the legal limit for driving. She pleaded guilty to a DUI charge in September and served two days in jail. Keffeler was crowned in October.Northwest Productions and Miss Washington USA co-executive producer Maureen Francisco urged people not to judge Keffeler, calling it a very unfortunate incident and saying "we all do stupid things."

First runner-up Kelsey Schmidt will assume the title of Miss Washington USA and will represent the state at the USA event this year.