Local govts disobeying central govt

By Devendra Basnet
Published: April 01, 2019 05:00 AM

DANG, April 1: Many local units in Dang have been charged with disregarding the central government's instructions regarding the usage of machinery for local projects. Dozers are reportedly being used even for small projects which could easily be completed by locally available manpower. However, the officials are defending themselves, questioning the efficiency of the local manpower. “The central government's desire to involve the consumers in the said projects may have a valid point, but it will most definitely not be efficient,” said a representative of Ghorahi Sub-metropolitan City.

The local government of Babai Rural Municipality of Dang, too, has been accused of not following the central government's instruction to “use machinery only for projects costing more than Rs 10 million”. The rural municipality which is currently using dozers to excavate a nearby river has challenged the central government to “try and stop” their actions. Chairperson Bhuvaneshwor Paudel also confidently claimed that the “22 autonomous rights” would prevent any other government body from stopping them. Paudel also stated that the local government is in full control of the natural resources in their area.

Some local governments have also reportedly demanded that the District Coordination Committee (DCC), which is said to have tightened the usage of dozers in the district, stay out of the entire situation. “I do not understand why the DCC is trying to behave like the fourth tier of the three-tier government system in this country,” said Kaman Singh Dangi of Shantinagar Rural Municipality. “If DCC proves that it's possible to efficiently excavate a river without using a dozer, they could very well take over,” Dangi added.

Autonomously functioning local governments are also known to disobey the higher government authority time and again. The Tulsipur sub-Metropolitan City, contravening the provincial government's instructions not to collect export taxes isdoing the same. Ghorahi Sub-metropolitan City has also been accused of collecting local road taxes from half a dozen roadways, again ignoring the provincial government's instructions.