Lightning kills around 500 sheep in Jumla

Published: August 25, 2020 01:24 PM

JUMLA, Aug 25: Around 500 sheep died due to lightning in the alpine meadows of Patarasi Rural Municipality in Jumla district. The sheep belonging to local farmers Bishnu Budha, Jay Bahadur Bohora, among others, were killed when lightning struck them at Dhanakharka Masimsera under Bagjalem community forest on Monday evening.

Chairperson of Patarasi-4, Kali Bahadur Rawat, said that the farmers were headed toward the incident site. The details of the loss are awaited. Chief Administrative Officer Tek Bahadur Budhthapa said that the lightning hit the sheep on grazing land.  Sheep rearing is the main income source for most of the locals of Patarasi area. 

Budhthapa said, “Farmers will face problems in their livelihoods as lightning has killed all their sheep.” Around 700 sheep had also died from continuous hailstone, rainfall and wind in 2070 BS in the district.