KATHMANDU: Hindu are celebrating Kushe Aunshi today by bringing kush, a holy grass, into their houses. There is a religious belief that keeping kush cut by the priests brings well-being to family members.
The Hindu community regards kush, basil plant, peepal and shaligram as symbols of Lord Bishnu. Also known as Gokarna Aunshi, people offer delicacies to their fathers and receive blessings from them.
Those whose father is dead go to temples and perform shraddha. Devotees throng Gokarna of Kathmandu, Betrawati of Rasuwa, and Bishnupaduka of Dharan during the festival.
Similarly, the 152nd birth anniversary of Nepali litterateur Motiram Bhatta is being celebrated across the nation by organizing different programs today. Bhatta had made a remarkable contribution to Nepali literature.