KATHMANDU, Nov 12: The Election Commission (EC) has decided to allow the transport services related to essentials supply, medical services and journalists to run their vehicles on the day of November 20 election even without having a ‘special pass.’
The EC has said that the journalists can use their vehicles for reporting purposes just by showing their identity cards issued by the media houses concerned. Earlier, in almost all of the elections, the journalists were mandated to take special permits issued by the EC or the District Administration Office.
However, the EC has cautioned not to misuse the privileged vehicles to transport voters from one place to another.
Here are the lists of the services that do not need to take special permits of the government authorities on the day of elections of the House of Representatives and Provincial Assemblies on November 20.
-Ambulance carrying sick people, fire brigade and vehicles transporting dead bodies
-Drinking water supply and garbage shifters
-Milk supply
-Carriers of press pass issued by the Department of Information and Broadcasting and provincial authorities and bearers of IDs issued by media houses registered in the Press Council Nepal.
-Telecommunications and cable services
-Doctors, health workers and related officials
-EC issued ID holders for observers and monitoring officers of elections
-Vegetables, fruits and electricity
-Diplomats and officials of the UN agencies and development partners
-Tourists carriers with green number plates
- Security forces
-Officials and volunteers assigned for voting centers