Job-hopping is the new norm for young workers

By Republica
Published: July 26, 2016 09:11 AM

KATHMANDU, July 25: In the past employees would give everything to remain faithful to just one particular job for a long time. Now, recruiters aren’t surprised to see applicants who move from one job to another in quick intervals. The industry term for them is ‘job-hoppers’. 

Job-hopping is the act of moving to another company in a year or two due to better opportunities and pay offer. Job-hoppers hold multiple jobs in a year. This new phenomenon is accepted and unlike in the past, HR managers don’t throw someone’s application in the rejection pile based on their job-hopping history. However, there are pros and cons of job-hopping and there’s certainly a limit to it. 


Multicultural Experience 
Studies have revealed that job-hopping will benefit certain kind of workers. Especially, people working in the technological field will accumulate immense cultural and diverse knowledge by job-hopping. There are several jobs that offer a multicultural experience. Since the work culture is getting more diverse it is important to understand other culture and world belief. Job-hopping gives experiences of different workspaces which definitely gives us the understanding to adjust, adapt, and deal with people from varied backgrounds. 

Accumulation of innumerable resources
Experts believe that working for various employers give workers access to various resources and information. This would help them in enhancing their career in a short time and also develop their personality and upgrade their skills. 

Dealing with people and businesses
Job-hopping will help employees to have a first-hand experience in dealing with different kind of people and also the know-how of various organizations. This exposure will certainly help them in pushing their career forward. 

Networking, Jobs & Money
When employees work for many companies then they’ll get the chance to expand their network and get better leads. The best part is the opportunity to earn more gradually. No one sticks with the same job if a person is offered more money these days. Experts also believe that job-hopping can assist an employee to find the right job.  


Hesitant Employer
Studies have revealed that few employers will hesitate to hire employees who have a history of job-hopping. They also might not trust someone who frequently changes job. Because the worker has changed jobs so frequently, employers may consider that person disposable and may not value him in the employee circle. 

Damaging Relationships 
It is believed that job-hopping can strain the relationship between an employee and an employer and might put the person in the company’s blacklist for future recruitment. It is easier for job-hoppers to turn their ex-boss as their number one enemy. 

Skewed Judgement
Experts believe that employers might perceive employees who job-hop to have an inferior judgement and might not take the company’s problems quite seriously in time of crisis. Job-hopping, definitely, decreases the level of trust between an employee and employer. 
Despite the pros and cons of job-hopping, it’s the latest trend among young workers, who are too restless to stay in only one job. One should consider both sides before moving to another job and remind self that too much job-hopping can diminish credibility and become barrier employee-worker trust. A short time in a company should not necessarily reflect your shortcomings but rather focus on what you achieved and what you did for the company. Before calmly moving to the next company when there’s a better opportunity calling, accomplish milestones at your current job.