Japanese scientists get approval to create first human-animal hybrid

By Agencies
Published: August 22, 2019 08:00 PM

Photo Courtesy: Times Of India

It just might be the weirdest news you read today. The Japanese government has finally given a green light to its scientists to grow human organs inside animals. This controversial experiment, if successful, can actually pave the way for new sources of organs for transplant in humans.
What is the experiment all about
Japanese scientists are all set to create the first human-animal hybrid after the government of Japan lifted the ban on stem-cell research. In this experiment, Dr Hiromitsu Nakauchi, lead researcher at the University of Tokyo and Stanford University in California, will attempt to plant human cells in animals like rats and mice.
This technique involves manipulating genes so that the fertilized egg does not have a particular organ. To conduct this experiment, human cells are injected into an animal’s embryo and then this genetically modified embryo is transplanted into an animal’s womb. As a result, the baby animal will have a human organ instead of its own.
What is the scope of this experiment?
Till date, this human-animal hybrid experiment remains extremely questionable, with some even calling it against the rule of nature and challenging the will of God. However, if successful, it may just create an unlimited supply of organs which can be used for transplant in humans.