In the spotlight

By No Author
Published: April 24, 2015 02:30 AM
KATHMANDU, April 24: Hercules Basnet has been in music for more than a decade. But it’s his work in Jerryy that’s got him noticed. The soft-spoken musician says he still can’t fathom how the songs ‘K Yo Maya Ho’ and ‘Chahanchhu’ are popular. But the songs are definitely well liked by people, even inspiring aspiring singers to make their own covers.

Hercules, 28, speaks about the songs that made him shine and the music industry.What were you doing before Jerryy put the spotlight on you?

I'm a singer, composer and lyricist. I also arrange music. When I started, I wanted to be a singer but I met someone in the studio who wanted me to compose for his song. He liked my work and that's how I got into composing and, slowly, writing songs. I've worked with many artists over the years and also been involved in making music for four films. I've never come out with an album because I always felt it was a waste of money, as you never get any returns. Also, this is the time of YouTube and SoundCloud.

So this popularity must've come as a pleasant surprise for you.

In a way, yes, it was a surprise. I never felt very confident about my singing abilities. But seeing how the songs have been accepted so well by the audience gives me a boost. I'm still astonished at their popularity.

Since you were very young when you started out, you must've been extremely keen on music as a career.

I've always enjoyed music. My mother also tells this story. It appears that as a child, while traveling in a bus, I burst our singing 'Maya K Hola' from the film Behuli. Everyone turned to look at me. My father would also record my singing in the tape recorder. In my father's side of the family, everyone was a huge music lover. But even though I entered music, I didn't think that I would stick to it for a long time. I just went with the flow. There were times when I was frustrated because everyone in the family was either a doctor, in the Police force, or in other government jobs. People assumed I was ruining my life because of the way I looked and dressed. But I began giving music my best and slowly things started falling in place.

As a music composer, how do you try and avoid being too 'influenced' by pieces of existing music?

I think it's inevitable for musicians to be influenced. But it's because we have limited keys or notes in the keyboard and we keep coming back to them. What we can do is make music with our own style and avoid being too 'influenced'.

Where do you think we're lacking in music today?

It definitely has to be the marketing factor. There are many good songs that are in obscurity because there's no one to promote it or market it for the artists. I feel the media should step in and promote artists who are doing good work. But these days, everything is about money; evidently even the awards are going to those who are willing to pay for it. This is the sad situation of our industry. And even if you're doing good work, you've to pay for the award so that your work gets recognition.