Photo Courtesy: thought catalog
I cry for the girl being raped at the moment
The excruciating torment
That penetrates through her body
And breaks her self-dignity
I cry for the girl who luckily escaped
And is gasping for breath
Hot tears rolling down her cheeks
Fear and disgust feeling in heaps
I cry for the young son
Whom the doctor just told that no more is his beloved mum
Ahh, look at how he breaks into shrieks
And weeps and wailsand whimpers and sniffles
To break into shrieks yet again!
I sit and cry today
I cry for the lover
Who flew high in love
Whether drunk or sober
And who had thought it would never be over,
But, alas! Alas!
I cry
I cry for the little child
Who watches his parentsfight each other wild
And who frantically wishes they allied
I cry today
For the young daughter
Who slaughters her dreams and tosses away her wishes
Because that’s what her parents taught her for being a girl in rural Nepal
I cry for the innocent man put under lock and key
For the crime he didn’t commit
And is waiting desperatelyto be freed
Ahh, the desperation he feels to breathe!
I cry for the elderly lady
Whose fading vision
Waits for a glimpse of her son
But hey, death is due sooner!
I cry today
For the rivers of tears curving ways through cheeks
And forests of fear galloping upon little meek-s
I cry, I sit and cry today!