How to wear the oversize trend

By No Author
Published: March 02, 2020 03:19 PM


Use your oversized pieces to layer

This is a perfect technique if you want to go for a softer approach. The bonus to oversized clothing is that it’s easy to layer on top of a normal-sized piece. Just throw on a normal t-shirt and then layer with an oversized hoodie, shirt or jackets

Let it hang out

Many of the new oversized pieces are deliberately designed to not fit perfectly. But that doesn’t mean you have to fuss about tucking in trailing hems or rolling up sleeves. These volumes look better if they’re displayed to their full extent.

Try a short skirt

A short skirt can help balance out an oversized top. The relaxed fit of a skirt paired with an oversized sweater creates a smooth finish for your look. Oversize can not only be cozy but also can be sexy.

Find Structure

Going loose and oversized doesn’t always mean round shapes. Especially if you’re concerned that oversized could make you look bigger, then finding pieces that create definitive shapes and lines is going to assist in nailing this look.