Guinness names Filipino as world's shortest man

By No Author
Published: June 12, 2011 11:58 AM
SINDANGAN, Philippines, June 12: A poor Filipino blacksmith´s son who stands less than 2 feet (60 centimeters) tall was declared the world´s shortest man by Guinness World Records on his 18th birthday Sunday, sparking a celebration in his hometown.

The title was bestowed on Junrey Balawing in Sindangan on the Philippines southern coast, with Balawing´s parents, villagers and officials showering the town´s newly famous resident with a feast, a cake, balloons and cash gifts.[break]

Balawing measured 23.5 inches (60 centimeters) during the ceremony attended by about 100 villagers and journalists.

Guinness World Records representative Craig Glenday presented Balawing with official recognition of his status as the shortest adult man in the world.

Balawing, who wore infant-sized shoes and a white shirt emblazoned with the Guinness seal, took over the title from Khagendra Thapa Magar of Nepal, who is 26.4 inches (67 centimeters) tall, Glenday said.

Sindangan, about 450 miles (730 kilometers) south of Manila, has not had so much attention in years — with dozens of journalists descending on this fishing and farming town of 90,000 to cover the event.

Glenday said he was struck with the lively personality of Balawing, who constantly smiled and appeared not to be hampered by his condition.

"Although he´s short, he takes that in stride," Glenday told The Associated Press. "He has this cheeky smile."

Aside from a Guinness certificate, the crown does not come with any cash prize. Glenday hoped the international fame would bring in gifts and donations, particularly medical supplies to ensure the health of Balawing, who has to be propped to be able to stand with his weak knees.