LAHAN, March 11: The 11-point agreement signed between CK Raut, who actively championed a Free Madhes movement for the past seven years, and the KP Oli-led government on Friday has sparked a debate in the Madhesi political circle. Various Madhes affairs analysts have interpreted the points of the agreement in their own ways.
Madhes Affairs analysts have claimed that Raut’s secessionist cause could have sparked a civil war in the country, hence disturbing the peace of the nation. Madhes issue expert Bijay Prasad Mishra has claimed that if the points in the agreement are implemented, the country will prevent a possible civil-conflict. “If the positive attitude of the government towards Raut continues, a positive change will be observed in Madhes politics,” he said.
Madhes Affairs experts have claimed that Raut has entered the mainstream of the Madhes politics by signing the 11 point agreement. “CK Raut has accepted the change he needed by accepting the sovereignty of the nation,” Madhes Affair expert Rajesh Ahiraj said.
While Raut has accepted mainstream politics, a hot debate has also emerged - what type of politics he will pursue now. However, Raut himself has not opened up about the type of politics he will pursue now.
General Secretary of Rastriya Janata Party, Nepal (RJPN) Manish Suman has welcomed the transformation of Raut and claimed that it was necessary. He claimed Raut’s family and economic situation has caused the transformation. However, he has expressed doubts over whether Raut will start a journey in mainstream politics or disappear politically after the agreement.
“We will happily welcome Raut in mainstream politics,” he said, “However, we have doubts that the government will cling to its promise of lifting the cases against Raut’s cadres since they have not fulfilled a similar promise made to us.”
Madhes expert Tula Narayan Sah has claimed that the government-Raut agreement is a tactic of both the parties involved. The government has been receiving compliments for bringing the free Madhes activists to the mainstream politics while the agreement has served as the recognition of Raut’s ‘cause’. Sah claimed that Raut has accomplished a great feat by being recognized by the government. “The government has shown that there are no protestors in Madhes after signing the agreement,” he said.
Prime Minister Oli has found opportunities to gain the public support of Province 2 through the success in bringing Raut to mainstream politics. He went to Garuda, of Rautahat in the Province 2, on Saturday, to speak to a mass of supporters in a meeting of the Nepal Communist Party. The meeting was attended by both the party chairpersons as well as the party leaders from the eight districts in Province 2.