Govt discriminates in relief distribution, say Madhes movement injured

By No Author
Published: July 22, 2018 02:12 PM

PARSA, July 22: Those injured in the Madhes movement have accused Province 2 government of discrimination in handing out relief to the movement's victims. 

They have charged leaders of Madhes-based political parties with favouring only those close to them in distributing reliefs. They made this accusation at a press conference organised by four persons who were injured after they were shot at by the police in the movement three years back. 

Upendra Yadav of Birgunj Metropolitan City-22, one of the injured in the movement said Chief Minister of the province denied him compensation when he approached him. He said he was shot in his leg, and he spent Rs 1.5 million that he borrowed after selling his plot and house in his treatment. 

He went to various hospitals at home and in foreign countries in the course of treatment. "I am finding it hard to support my six-member family, as I cannot work due to illness. The government must support for my family and pay for the education of my children," he said, adding that although two persons from Birgunj injured in the movement got Rs 300,000 each in compensation, he was yet to get any compensation. 

"Now leaders of Madhes-centric political parties are in the governments, both federal and provincial. But I am yet to get any compensation. I am struggling to support my family as I cannot work," said tearful Nagina Paswan injured in the movement. Paswan was shot on the head by the police in the movement. She urged the government to manage ways for the family to survive. 

Other Madhes movement injured like Lalbabu Prasad and Anarjit Yadav also demanded reliefs and medical treatment for those all injured in the movement. RSS