GMAT is mostly required particularly for business schools. While the former is a test of analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative, and verbal skills, GRE tests verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing and critical thinking skills.[break]
These tests account for a huge part in the selection criteria into colleges. However, there may be some variations on the importance placed by different colleges on these tests. A survey published in the Kaplan Test Prep 2011 showed that a low GMAT or GRE score is the single biggest ‘application killer.’
As far as GRE test is concerned, its importance is increased by the fact that the GRE test is relevant to anyone interested in pursuing an advanced degree, be it a degree in English or Psychology.
Both GRE and GMAT help admission officers predict the applicant’s success in the graduate program by providing a sense of the student’s intellectual capability and competency.
A high GRE score will also help students get a good financial aid which may be necessary for most students, considering the tuition fees for graduate schools. The same is true for GMAT.
A GMAT score has a validity of five years from the day the test is taken. While GMAT scores range from 200 to 800, the common scores for most students are between 400 and 600. A minimum of 700 or so remains the required score for top colleges in the US.
As for GRE, students should aim for a score which is higher than 165 on both sections of GRE exams. Also, while some colleges look at good GRE score in all the sections, other colleges may just give priority to a high GRE score in only one section of the test and consider moderate scores in other sections.
The validity of GRE is also up to five years.