Global youth forum discusses smart, green cities

By Republica
Published: May 17, 2018 10:03 AM

Asia-Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA) organized a two-day conference on the topic of ‘Smart and Green Cities Equipping Youth Social Enterprise to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals’ at Tripureshwar in Kathmandu on May 14 and 15. APPDSA was formed under initiation of a forum of 300 young leaders of Asia and the Pacific and other participants at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Bangkok on 28 October 2014, including representatives of governments and the private sectors, for lively debates and discussion on many challenges in clusters concerning the environment, health service, disaster, culture of peace and youth entrepreneurship.

According to a press statement issued by APPDSA on Tuesday, the event was attended by more than 300 presenters and participants. The first day of the conference was focused on leadership development of youth where they got oriented about moral and innovative leadership for sustainable development by the team of Global Peace Foundation Nepal and Global Youth Leaders Academy. There were independent sessions run by experts from IBM on the topics: ICT for Smart Cities and Emerging technologies, coding and resources for coders. 

The second day of the program had 4 extensive sessions: opening session, plenary session, working session and valedictory session. The sessions brought experts, mayors and deputy mayors to express their views on smart and green cities especially focusing youth perspective. The panelists and moderators were the representatives from the government, and national and international organizations working on smart cities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The plenary session rendered the sharing and networking of Mayors and Deputy Mayors of the metropolitan cities, district and administrative headquarters by bringing them together to discuss the current scenario, challenges and way forward on the use of ICT in urban planning.

This forum expected to develop moral and innovative leadership amongst the participants, empowering them to take ownership and leadership in establishing smart and green cities to achieve the SDGs.