Five indicators determined for prosperity: DPM Pokhrel

Published: December 06, 2019 04:20 PM

LALITPUR, Dec 7 : Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Ishwor Pokhrel has said the government was committed to pursuing modernisation in agriculture, industrial development, energy promotion, further development in education and health sectors and infrastructure development.

In his address to a programme organised to hand over the ownership of a new building of Bajrabarahi-based Namuna Secondary School at Godavari municipality-10, Lalitpur, he said the government had fixed five bases for prosperity.

He pledged to find out factors making state-owned industries sick and find ways to tackle the problems. He called for collective efforts of all political parties for the causes of development despite their differing political beliefs. As he said, the government has a policy of further promoting technical and practical education which as he described is a need of the 21st century as well.

He highlighted the need for collective efforts among the local level, people's representatives and local people for the improvement of school education. Likewise, secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Mahesh Prasad Dahal shared that 5,300 of 7,500 schools damaged by the 2015 earthquake had been rebuilt to date.

Lawmaker Nawaraj Silwal and State Assembly (SA) member Chetnath Sanjel urged the government to give top priority to the educational sector. Godavari municipality deputy mayor Muna Kunwar said the community school established in 2012 BS was the first model school in the district. The 91 million reconstruction project was funded jointly by the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Asian Development Bank (ADB)