First convalescent plasma therapy for corona patient in Nepal

Republica Files
By Republica
Published: August 02, 2020 08:20 PM

KATHMANDU, Aug 2: In the first such case in Nepal, a COVID-19 patient has been treated through convalescent plasma therapy at the Maharajgunj-based Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH).

A 60-year-old male patient from Biratnagar was treated through plasma therapy on Thursday, according to Prof Dr Santa Kumar Das, coordinator of the hospital’s COVID-19 Management Committee.

As the health condition of the patient started to deteriorate, doctors involved in the treatment decided to inject convalescent plasma into the patient’s body. “Following the procedure, the health condition of the patient has started to improve. The hospital has already removed the ventilator support earlier provided to the patient,” said Dr Das, adding that the patient will also be taken out from the ICU ward within the next few days.

The patient was admitted to the hospital on July 25 after having severe pneumonia.

In this method of treatment, plasma is taken out from a COVID-19 recovered patient after 14 days of his/her recovery. As the people recovering from COVID-19 carry antibodies in their plasma to fight against the virus, plasma is injected into the body of the infected person with health complications to fight against the virus. The antibodies help the infected person battle the disease.