Finding strength in differences

Photo Courtesy: NRIN-Nepal
By Sonam Lama
Published: December 16, 2017 12:46 PM

KATHMANDU, Dec 16: In order to promote the idea of religious harmony, a silent play titled ‘Mukti’ was enacted by Abiral- The Arts Group at Hotel Himalaya, Kupandole, Lalitpur on Friday. Altogether 11 artists showcased the play portraying the fundamental roles of religious leaders in raising their voices against social malpractices performed in the name of religious faith.

The act was performed under a workshop on ‘Ending Harmful Traditional Practices Through Faith Leaders’ jointly organized by NRIN-Nepal (National Inter-religious Network on Violence Against Women-Nepal), CWIN (Child Workers in Nepal) and PLAN International. 

The event aimed at maintaining religious harmony by denouncing any kind of violence against vulnerable groups of society. The workshop served as a meeting point for leaders from different religious backgrounds who shared their thoughts on humanitarian practice being the core point of every religion. 

On the occasion, faith leaders belonging to different religious backgrounds also gave a presentation. The leaders included Vice-president of Vedic Karma Kanda Maha Sangh, Ram Chandra Bhandari, Advisor of NIRN-Nepal and former president of Islamic Sangh, Nazriul Hassan, Secretary of Akhil Vikhu Maha Sangh, Vichhu Piya Das C, and President of Spiritual Fellowship Nepal Pastor, Isu Jung Karki. Concurring with the idea that many incidents of gender and child based violence often take place under the pretext of religion, the faith leaders explicitly advocated for equal rights and elimination of any form of violence. 

“The idea of peace and equality can only prosper through finding strength in the differences that we have, the workshop has been a medium to instill and remind the very idea,” said Program Coordinator of NIRN-Nepal, Nahida Banu.

“With the hope that our play could aware people and help change their mindset, we have tried our best to speak on the behalf of vulnerable groups of the society,” said play artists Seema Dhakal and Binita Gurung of Abiral- The Arts Group.