Experiences of summer splash

By Shine Amgain
Published: September 23, 2018 08:57 AM

Summer is the season for outdoor fun. The ambiance it spurs encourages summer enthusiasts to hum the songs of the season. So, bidding goodbye can be a painful experience. However, our school -- Rajarshi Gurukul, has a great way to celebrate the final days of summer; we call it ‘Summer Splash’. It is a day dedicated for its students to partake in fun events comprising exciting games, music, and food. 

This Saturday, we all came to school with additional excitement and enthusiasm for Summer Splash 2018. We hardly get the time to explore the outside world while in school. This summer event enables us to explore and amuse ourselves beyond academic events. 

The main attractions of the event included horse riding, haunted house, swimming, face painting, and food and game stalls. ‘Panda’s home’ operated by one of our Chinese teachers saw a huge crowd. The stall was put up to encourage children to learn Chinese culture. We were excited to learn new thing about our Northern neighbors. Our school sure has some talented students who always spice up everything they do. This time it was face painting. I had seen many friends painting their faces during other festivals. I had never tried for myself. This time it was my turn; it turned out to be exciting. 

It was not just a fun event, but we also got to learn a thing or two from our chief guest, Sunil Prajapati -- the mayor of Bhaktapur. He reminded us of the importance of education and to not leave the country without even trying. His views were insightful and motivating.

Next, hopeful about winning the raffle, some of my friends had also bought tickets. There was a scooter, washing machine and LED TV as the main draws. Nonetheless, luck didn’t favor any of them. 

However, I am happy that Shanta Thapa, one our teachers, won the first prize -- a scooter. I hope to see her coming to school riding her prize.

The primary goal of the event was to make friends, and involve the family in the excitement. The annual Summer Splash ended leaving good memories and love and provided us with a reason to be happy.

Amgain is a grade VII student at Rajarshi Gurukul, Bhaktapur.