Why am I discussing this topic? Simply because ‘no one talks about it’. Well, let’s face it, men are equal partners in their wives’ pregnancies. Even in Nepal, the number of nuclear families is gradually increasing. Pregnancy pushes the new family into the deep end of the unknown. Men try to appear aloof, creating the illusion that they don't care but beneath that stoic exterior, they are equally excited.
In many cultures, men feel compelled to hide their emotions in public, adhering to the outdated belief that showing vulnerability makes them "weaker" or "less masculine." Hence, they suppress their curiosity, empathy, and other emotions to prove their strength. Unfortunately, this leads them to miss the extraordinary developmental stages of a new life they helped create.
For all the soon-to-be fathers, here is a candid perspective on the remarkable journey through pregnancy. While pregnancy is a unique experience for the women, it's also a life-changing journey for the partners involved. It profoundly shapes their lives as well. So, be prepared to dive into the whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and pure joy that unfolds during this transformative time. Along with the wife, husbands also go through the rollercoaster during this incredible time.From the moment they hear the news, a mix of awe and amazement fills their heart. They are witnessing the miracle of life unfolding right before their eyes. Knowing that a tiny human is growing inside their partner is both overwhelming and beautiful.
Your journey as a future dad begins the moment you find out about your wife’s pregnancy. That’s when you recognize it's a joint adventure. The initial shock soon transforms into swelling pride—a realization that you are part of something incredibly precious. However, while exhilarating, it can also be daunting. You might feel unprepared as if life is changing too quickly. Yet, deep inside, the pride remains, making you eager to embrace the journey ahead.
As you share your good news, the realization gradually sets in, that you're truly going to be a father. It all starts with, ‘Congratulations, so you are having a baby!’ That’s because it’s a joint affair. It’s not just your wife who is having a baby,you are too, consider it that way.Brace yourself for the countless questions and comments that will come your way.From the "Are you excited?" query to the oft-heard "Your whole life will change,"And the less serious but thought-provoking "Do you have a name yet?" This will be followed by advice, ‘Make the most of the time you have together while you still can’. This almost scares you. Like an afterthought, another question will follow, ‘was it planned?’ Now you start thinking and even before you have finished your thinking process, another comment comes your way, it is a bit satirical, ‘you will never have a social life ever again!! The reality of pregnancy isn't the same as in the movies; significant changes occur in a woman's body during this time. She will gradually start changing right before your eyes, while you prepare yourself to tell your friends, ‘We are pregnant’, instead of ‘My wife is pregnant’.
Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? Relax, you're not alone. Anticipation and nervousness often mingle as time passes. You're excited to meet your child, but the unknown factors – the birth process and the new responsibilities – can be unnerving. This is the time to become a team with their partner, sharing the excitement and anticipation of becoming parents. Time to attend ultrasound appointments, feel your baby's kicks, and talk to the growing bump – building a connection with your child.
To navigate this journey together and support your partner effectively, understanding her experience is crucial.Accompany her to doctor's appointments, share experiences, discuss your future with the new family member, and plan lifestyle changes that will impact your baby. Learning and preparing are key to navigating successfully through pregnancy. Learn about pregnancy and parenting;read books and attend parenting classes,and prepare to be the best dad you can. Prepare the nursery, select baby names, and get things ready for the big day.
However, there is one thing no one will tell you about, and that is couvade or sympathetic pregnancy in men. Shocked? Don’t be because there are cases of men suffering from similar symptoms as their pregnant partner. Some men experience similar symptoms as their pregnant partners. In the modern world, about 23% of men have reported emotional and physical changes associated with pregnancy. According to research, men can become more emotional and experience mood swings and even nausea.
Pregnancy brings a mixed bag of emotions. There are moments of pure joy and excitement, but also times of worry and feeling overwhelmed. It's okay to feel all these emotions; it's a part of the journey. Soon enough, the husband’s protective instincts kick in. Worrying about their partner's well-being, ensuring she eats healthily, gets enough rest, and feels loved and supported every step of the way.
Try your best to empathize with what your partner is going through. Understand that pregnancy comes with physical discomfort, mood swings, and hormonal changes. Your patience and support are crucial during these times.As you navigate the challenges and joys of pregnancy together, build a stronger bond with your partner. Your shared journey creates a unique connection that prepares you for the incredible adventure of parenthood.
As the due date approaches, anticipation and nervousness grow. You are excited to meet your little one, but there's also the natural fear of the unknown – the birth process and the responsibilities of fatherhood.Becoming a father gives you a new sense of purpose and responsibility. You start thinking about the future, the kind of parent you want to be, and the life you want to provide for your child.When your baby finally arrives, your hearts are filled with love. The sleepless nights, diaper changes, and the challenges of parenting become small compared to the immense joy and love you feel for your child.
Throughout your journey, for the first time, you'll be responsible for another person for the rest of your life. This transition is significant, exciting, and entirely logical. Embrace it, for now, you'll finally understand your parents' feelings towards you and why they've always treated you like their child – because it's their job. Transitioning into this new role might take some time, but it's a wonderful journey. And guess what? Your child will now look up to you as their role model.It’s a feeling that's both incredible and heartwarming.
As a woman, I can't fully explain what it's like to be a father. However, I can tell you it's an out-of-this-world experience, truly life-changing. It's impossible to predict in advance how it will affect you. So, prepare yourself,both physically and emotionally,for the moment when you officially become a father. Open your mind and embrace the new rhythm in your life. Cherish every moment of this incredible journey. Embrace the emotions, be there for your partner, and prepare for a beautiful adventure called parenthood. You're about to experience love and fulfillment like you've never known before.This journey will put you on a pedestal, make you a role model, and introduce you to a love like no other. Prepare to share your space and your heart because the adventure of fatherhood is about to begin.