Kathalaya and Read More publications with the aim to build reading culture in the community opened a bookstore named ‘Dream Book House’ in Kupondole, Lalitpur.
Amid an event, the store’s opening ceremony was held on Monday. The shop will oversee book sales and conduct literary events. According to Suniti Amatya, the head executive of Kathalaya, the book shop also provides an environment to enjoy reading books along with a hot cup of coffee. “The young children who will come to the book house will not only gain knowledge, but will also be taught sports and other curricular activities,” she added. In the book house, readers will get a chance to connect with authors to attract children and youths through various activities.
The book house will be collecting books for all ages and categories, while also hosting meet-ups between authors and readers in order to increase the reading culture. Likewise, Read More publications will be providing the book house with educational textbooks.
As announced in the inauguration, the book house will be hosting one author meet-up and two story-telling sessions every month.