Dhading farmers turn to quail farming

By Sarita Shrestha
Published: November 03, 2019 10:56 AM

DHADING, Nov 3: Farmers in Dhading district, after suffering losses in poultry, have turned to quail (battai) farming. They find it easier to rear quail for both eggs and meat, and they are relieved from selling to the middleman. 

Local consumers consider quail eggs to be healthier and four times more nutritional than chicken eggs, according to farmers.

Kashi Nath Lamsal of Nilkantha Municipality-12, Dhading Besi, is among the many farmers who have started rearing quails. "I have started commercial farming of quail for eggs and meat. They are reared like chicken, and we don't have to do extra work," he said. "And the benefits are higher." 

“The nutritional value of quail egg is four times higher than chicken egg. That's why I have started its commercial farming.”

Quail eggs and meat are considered to be beneficial for patients of asthma, rheumatism, pneumonia, diabetes, overweight, and hypertension, Lamsal added.

However, due to high demand of quail eggs and meat, farmers find it challenging to produce adequately. “We don't have high production of eggs. The eggs collected in the morning are sold out by the evening,” Lamsal said, “I am planning to increase my business after some research.” He earns Rs 60,000 a month on average by selling quail eggs. A quail egg is sold for Rs 10 and a fully grown quail is sold for Rs 350. Considering their smaller size, quails are more profitable than chicken.  

Quails are ready for meat in five weeks. They start giving eggs in four weeks. They live up to two years and can produce 300 eggs in a year. 

A full-grown quail weighs about 200 grams on average. Quails survive on locally available food grains like wheat, maize and millet. Farmers say they have good immunity system and very little is spent on medical care.