Mass demonstration in Kathmandu in favor of restoration of monarchy in Nepal

Mass demonstration in Kathmandu in favor of restoration of monarchy in Nepal
Photo : Monika Malla/Republica
By Republica
Published: November 30, 2020 05:38 PM

KATHMANDU, Nov 30: A mass demonstration was held in Kathmandu on Monday demanding the restoration of monarchy in Nepal.

People, mostly youths, took to the street this afternoon under the banner of a little-known Rastriya Shakti Nepal. They chanted strong slogans in favor of Nepal’s former king and the Hindu monarchy. They carried national flag and placards of Prithvi Narayan Shah, the founding father of modern Nepal.

Hundreds of people joined the protest rally which began from Maitighar and converged into an assembly in New Baneswor, where Nepal's federal parliament building is located. During the protest, they demanded reinstating constitutional monarchy in Nepal for the sake of country's national unity and well-being of the people.

Demonstrators chanted slogans against the Federal Democratic Republican system that Nepal adopted in 2008 after the abolition of the 240-year old institution of monarchy. Some protestors also demanded that Nepal be declared as the Hindu state again.

The mass demonstration for the revival of monarchy in the country comes at a time when the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) is plagued by intra-party rift owing to factional feuds and the Oli-led government that commands nearly two-third majority seats in the federal parliament has failed to deliver on its own promises including effectively tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Similar protests were held in several major cities including Pokhara and Butwal in favor of the reinstatement of monarchy, which was abolished on 28 May 2008 by the 1st Constituent Assembly after the successful people's uprising in 2007.

This is probably the biggest demonstration in favor of monarchy in the country after the promulgation of the first post-war constitution in 2015.