Dear youth

Dear youth
By Sauravi Regmi
Published: September 23, 2021 05:26 PM

Dear youth,
To the fire in your eyes, the passion in your hearts
The vision in your mind, the courage in your approach,
The smile in your face, the commitment in your goals
Faith appears and disseminates
Energy radiates and reflects
You are the today and you are tomorrow
You are the protagonist of your life
You are the driver of this society
You are the connector of this divided country
You are the Voice of the Voiceless
You are the Hope of the hopeless
You are the reality of all the dreams
You are the Leader you are the changemaker
You are the face of the faceless
You are the song of all the unsung lyrics
May every walk of yours ignite freedom
May every talk stem from the depth of truth
May your sunsets be as promising as the sunrises
May you be the change we all wish to see
May you be embossed with fierce determination
So dear youth,
In every heartbeat
Go set the world on fire!