CPNM's General Secy Thapa warns of people's revolt

By No Author
Published: September 01, 2013 08:09 PM
BIRGUNJ, Sept 1: General Secretary of the CPN-Maoist, Ram Bahadur Thapa, has warned of people´s revolt if the government took the policy of suppressing the poll-opposing political parties.

Speaking at a programme to welcome newcomers in the CPN-Maoist, General Secretary Thapa said his party would strongly oppose if the government and major political parties tried to hold Constituent Assembly (CA) election under the influence of weapon. [break]

He reiterated that the CPN-Maoist was not the anti-election force, saying the party had opposed the election process scheduled for November 19 because the CA election held by the present non-political government could not give right solution to the country.

He claimed that the talks between the CPN-Maoist and the High Level Political Committee (HLPC) could not end up positively due to wrong stands of government and the four political parties.

However, he said the 33-party alliance led by the CPN-Maoist had been holding discussions over the proposal received from the four-party mechanism.

During the programme, around 80 leaders and cadres including the former lawmaker of the Unified CPN (Maoist) joined the CPN-Maoist.