The global climate is changing, threatening, and causing risk to agricultural production system. It has imbalanced the world’s food security system. According the UNO, the population pressure is high in the developing countries which has created imbalance in the food supply chain and production. In this context, it is essential to maintain the sustainable agricultural growth to meet the demand of food for increasing population reducing the climate risk.
Food and Agricultural Organization reportsglobal food production needs to be doubled by 2050A.D to match population and income growth, especially in Africa and Asia. Since these regions are characterized by high population growth, extreme poverty, and low agriculture productivity. If not checked and balanced in due time the condition would be more worsening.
Food production system across the globe needs to be revised according to the changing climatic patterns to address the challenges in livelihoods and food security system. Increasing global temperature, changed rainfall patterns, intense flood, tsunamis, and drought have direct impact in the food production. Climate change intensifies the problems as well.Variation in climate may even complicate the agriculture production, converting the arable land into desert and infertile.
In such situation climate smart agriculture may help sustain the food scarcity in the future. CSA approach promises to lessen the negative impact of climate change in agriculture system. This approach makes the production system durable to climate change. CSA aims to adapt, build, and increase sustainable agricultural production resilient to climate change. It strategically not only focuses on increase in productivity and income but also eyes on maintaining the greenhouse gas emission and climatic hazards to balance the temperature and eco-system.
CSA approach believes to generate enormous benefits both in terms of adaptation, mitigation, and food security enhancement from local to global level. It explores on the possibilities on how climate may affect crop production and suggests the proper remedies on how to increase agricultural productivity in both policy and practices.Itemphasizes on the management of natural resources, appropriate institutional and financial mechanisms,preparing the stakeholders to engage in well-informed actions.
The urgent need to tackle climate change while maintaining the balance in food production, and meeting sustainable development goals to address the climate risk is yet challenging. Climate efficient seeds, instant access of climate variables to the farmers to the new agro-economical conditions, land management, and improvised irrigation system, use of organic fertilizer may help yielding the better crops. To achieve this, there is a need for polices, development of sufficient infrastructure and technology. It requires considerable investments to farmers to enable them to adopt climate‐smart practices that could generate economic rural growth and ensure food security.