Chepangs' Convention concludes with demand for autonomous region

By Republica
Published: June 26, 2016 10:06 AM

CHITWAN, June 26: Nepal Chepang Association's Fourth National General Convention concluded on Saturday issuing a 13-point Chitwan Declaration Paper. 

The Association has advanced a plethora of demands including establishment of Chepang autonomous region, Chepangs' representation in provincial bodies and naming the Bhandara-Malekhu road stretch as the Chepang highway. 

The Association has taken a decision to launch a struggle for establishment of the Chepang autonomous region. The Chepang community has also decided to exert pressure for securing Chepang leadership as per the federal structure in village development committees of Chitwan, Dhading, Makawanpur and Gorkha districts where their population is highest. 

At least one person from Chepang community should be represented on basis of priority in the political appointments in state or provincial local bodies, it is stated. 

The Chepang Association has also demanded prioritizing their community when creating employment opportunities in government and non-governmental organizations. 

The General Convention has elected a 35-member new Working Committee under the leadership of Jitendra Chepang. 

Sunimaya Chepang was elected as Committee's senior Vice Chairman, Bil Bahadur Chepang as Vice Chairman, Ait Singh Chepang as General Secretary, Rabindra Singh Chepang as Treasurer and Binod Bahadur Chepang and Mangal Singh Chepang as secretaries. 

A total of 250 representatives from six districts including Chitwan and 150 observers took part in the convention. RSS