Challenges at work

By Republica
Published: April 24, 2017 11:00 PM

Every work has its own hurdles to navigate. Be it an entry-level position or senior post, the challenges increase as we rise through the ranks. Republica talked to a few people about the challenges they are facing at work.

Milan Regmi

Tourism Entrepreneur
The most challenging problems tourism industry has been facing are those related to the ongoing political situation. That has discouraged many potential tourists and visitors. Although most of us agree that tourism has immense potential, the government has not accorded due priority to the sector compared to other industries. Many of the visitors travel to Nepal in search of adventure and entertainment, but the facilities offered are inadequate.

Rojina Paudel
Business woman
In Nepal, we have people who can spend lavishly; and the same time, there are also people who struggle to meet their daily expenses. Thus, it’s challenging to maintain same standard of quality for everyone who seek our services. Moreover, the political fluidity, uncertainty in the market and skyrocketing price of fuel have been creating difficulties. These issues have hindered the production of quality goods.

Amul Shrestha

The challenge that we have been facing in our work station is the gap between knowledge that we gain and the practical implementation of the tasks in hand. As a learner, we are fed with numerous ideas, innovative platforms and technologies, but when it comes to practical implementation, there are unimaginable differences. Although we are completely aware of all the technologies and innovations that have arrived in the global market, we are bound to employ the conventional techniques. Thus, limited workmanship has been one of the prominent challenges.

Sunita Lama

Managing Director, Manpower Company
Working for a manpower company was a tough work until a few years ago, especially as the sectored held a negative impression. The situation has changed in today’s context though we have numerous challenges to deal with. We often carry out works that are associated with a large number of people, handling every work with efficiency. It poses many risks while handling the issues of emigration.

Rachana Thapa

Tour Guide 
Being a tour guide is not as easy as most people think. We meet different types of people and we often have to guide large groups. While one group might like our work, the other might find it boring and unsatisfying. It is a struggle to come out as the best. The nature of tourists is multifarious and it is tough at times to complete the tour. Sometimes the satisfaction and expectations of the tourists are not met. 

Roshani Shrestha
Staff Nurse
As a staff nurse, there are a lot of challenges that we have to face. In critical situations, we must always be on our toes and we must always give our time and our effort. It becomes harder due to numerous night shifts that we must attend. We aren’t able to give enough time to our family and for ourselves. We cannot get frustrated and should always stay alert and calm in the most critical situations.