Birth and death are those two abstractions which have no definition, scale, order and value. We are born; are infant, grow adult, get matured and finally become old. We start withering; the mysterious ageing process suppresses us within ourselves. We get nostalgic. With all criteria fulfilled we welcome the mighty death.
Every phases of human life are connected with different attributes. Among all the most ridiculous phases are childhood phase and old age. In the first phase, we get lots of love and in the second phase we want love but we don’t get it. Then the depression monster grabs us with its full effort and power. Likewise, reports also show that many old people die amid lack of love and compassion.
We only have one solution to this problem, which is the celebration of old age. But how do we celebrate old age? Might seem sort of impossible, but impossible itself says I’m possible. All we have to do is recreate childhood among old people. This will definitely lift these people from nowhere to apex.
We all know Mother Teresa. She served humanity in her later days when she was in search of rest and love. But she sprinkled love without a single rest. She worked till her later days and celebrated it. She even didn’t care what she was wearing or eating, she was just seeking happiness by celebrating her old age. She found the ultimate key of pursuit of happiness, the mythical celebration.
I don’t mean happiness is only obtained by celebrating old age. But this celebration enthralls everyone with internal optimism and pleasure. Happiness is directed through dreams and connected with celebration.
So let’s not worry if we are withering. Now the moment is coming for us to clinch the ultimate sword of superiority. Old age is the time to recreate ourselves. Those things we weren’t able to accomplish in our adult phase, we can accomplish it in this phase. Just required is innovating and celebrating old age.