Cases filed against firms selling expired, substandard food

By No Author
Published: July 22, 2012 11:24 PM
CHITWAN, July 22: District Food Inspection Unit, Chitwan has filed separate cases against industrialists and traders that were found selling substandard food items in the market.

The case has been filed against five factories and shops, including Narayangath Dal Udhyog, Nilan Paun Bhandar, Hajur Ko Bhuja Udhyog and Parkway Shopping Center, at the District Court, Chitwan under Public Offense Act and Food Act.[break]

Similarly, the unit has filed cases against firms based outside Chitwan in courts in respective districts. Bajrabarahi Ghee Industry of Kathmandu, Arati Vegetable and Oil Industry of Bara and Mixed Dalmot of Gaidakot are some of the firms found supplying substandard food in Chitwan district.

The unit swung into action against the unscrupulous firms and traders after food samples collected from different parts of Bharatpur and Ratnanagar were found inedible.

According to Food Act, firms found selling substandard food can be fined Rs 1,000-Rs 2,000 for the first time. If the mistake is repeated, they can be fined Rs 5,000 and proprietors can be slapped with six months to one year jail term. If food sold by any firm causes negative impact on people´s health, it can be fined Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 and its proprietors can be given jail term of one to two years.

According to Nabin Deuja, a food inspector, many shops were found selling expired and unlabelled products. “Some shops were even found mixing inedible substances with food commodities,” he added.

Sunflower oil, dairy ghee, soybean oil, mixed dalmoth, biscuit, tea, cookies and lentils were some of the food items whose samples were found inedible.
“Among more than hundred samples sent for lab tests, we have received report of 57 samples. Fourteen of the samples were found inedible,” said Deuja, adding: “We are yet to get reports of other samples.”