Caring for contact lenses

By The Week Bureau
Published: January 03, 2020 10:59 AM

Say goodbye to foggy glasses, continuous repairs, the heaviness of plastic on your nose and the tightness of metal behind your ears. Instead, say hello to taking three minutes to correct your eyesight, blinking out the thorniness of a lens and finally getting to show off your mascaraed eyelashes.

If you love the idea of not having to wear glasses then learning hacks on wearing lenses correctly is of paramount importance. Here are a few tips for those who use lenses regularly as well as those who are interested in trying it out.  

Carry the necessities
Eye drops, solution and contact cases might seem like a lot to have in your bag—but they’re important. Solution for lenses needs to be changed daily. Unplanned sleepovers or sudden swimming plans might not be a daily part of your routine, but it’s best to be prepared. Nothing is worse than having to take out your lenses and not having a proper place to keep them safe. So take your small cases with you wherever you go.

Natural cleaners with rubbing agents
Disinfecting solution with rubbing agents are your lifesavers. They prevent eye irritation as they clean out the lenses after use. Using the right one for your eyes is a must. For this, consult an eye doctor and get approval for your contact solutions and disinfectants. Yes, those two are different things. Remember, lenses come in direct contact with your eyes. You want them as clean and safe as possible.

Never let them come in contact with tap water
It might not seem like that big of a deal. After all, we drink boiled tap water on a daily basis. But what’s truly frightening is that regular tap water has a lot of chemicals that could cause various infections. Getting lenses in casual contact with it could potentially cause eye infection. When you rinse your lens in water, you’re basically getting numerous bacteria in it and they will eventually come in contact with your eyes. However, it isn’t just tap water you should be concerned about. Avoid swimming pool, oceans and regular showers when you’re wearing contact lenses.

Helping with the dryness
When your eyes start feeling dry, it’s time to take your contact lenses off. Constant use of lenses will prevent oxygen from reaching your eyes. Colored contacts tend to have that affect sooner than a regular one. Professionals also say that it’s good to go a day in a week without them. While many lenses are built for 12 to 16 hour use, it’s best to play it safe and use it for 12 hours at the most. Colored contacts, on the other hand, are perfect for six to eight hours of use. Don’t push the limit when it comes to one of the most important sense organs of your body.

Another way to avoid dryness is to use a lot of eye drops. Consult your doctor before you start using them though. Know which one is the right fit for you. Some people also use nutritional supplements like fish oil to deal with dryness. 

Sunglasses are your buddies
Admit it. One of the worst things about needing glasses is not being able to wear sunglasses. Not anymore. 

When you start using contacts, sunglasses aren’t just a luxury. They’re a necessity. They prevent your eyes from UV rays and they protect lenses from getting dirty. So yes, the next time you visit a lens shop, don’t forget to pick an aviator too.

Wash your hands
Hygiene is everything. And when dealing with something as delicate and small as contact lenses, it’s even more important. You might put in a lot of effort to prevent your lenses from getting dirty. But all your efforts will be in vain if your hands are unclean when you put them on or take them out. 

Not only do bacteria and dirt transfer from your hand to the sticky lens, it’s also extremely difficult to get those components out. So one solution is to avoid touching them in the first place, if you think your hands aren’t clean. And v  

When you don’t wash your hands
Even the best of us falter sometimes. And that’s fine. When you forget to wash your hands and touch your contacts, make sure you soak them in the lens solution for a long time. Clean them properly with disinfectants. Sometimes, soaking them in saline can do the trick.

But other times, they don’t.
As useful as a regular solution can be, they can’t help a lot when it comes to spices. If lenses come in contact with anything like jalapeno, chili powder or pepper, you should try soaking them in milk to remove the burn. But do so only after you’ve cleaned them with the solution that has rubbing agents in it. No matter how dire the situation seems your lens solution can be a problem solver. It’s only when they don’t work that it’s time to venture towards alternative options.