Build your own home gym

By Republica
Published: June 09, 2017 09:57 AM

How many times have we skipped exercising because we simply didn’t feel like packing our gym bag, getting dressed, and then commuting or even walking the short distance to the gym? As it is when it comes to going to the gym it isn’t like most of us need a strong justification, any excuse will work. So here is an idea, how about we bring the gym to us? You don’t need a lot of equipment or bulky machines to make your own home gym. In fact, it’s quite easy to build yourself an effective place to exercise. Manoj Shrestha, from the head office of Skybrands’ gym equipment in Tripureshwor, shows us how to do just that. 

Equipment options
For the abs:
Shrestha shares that the bestseller at his store are equipment for abs workouts. Apparently there are many who even come in for the slimming sauna belt. Personally, Shrestha doesn’t recommend them claiming that the results in the commercials are often exaggerated. 

He does recommend the Wander Master, the six-pack workout equipment, though. They were introduced in the Nepali market two years ago and are still very popular. With this you can work on your lower, middle and upper abs. There are stretchable ropes for the biceps and triceps, lifts for leg development and a twist seat for the side oblique.
“You may wonder why we can’t do sit ups on the floor. But the angle of this equipment adds more pressure on the abdominal area bringing better results and the rollers on the back also massage the back helping you increase your counts,” explains Shrestha. 
There are many versions of this effective toning machine and the good quality, original versions start from Rs 15,000. 

For a whole body workout: Shrestha claims Orbitrack to be the two in one version of a treadmill and a stationery cycle. “If you can only afford one equipment but want to lose weight, I’d recommend this,” he says, calling it the complete workout.
Orbitrack not only makes you work your legs but also your arms. You can adjust the resistance on the machine as it does have a gear system but, either way, you will see that you have to put a lot of power to move this machine. It’s a form of running exercise but with arm workouts as well. When it comes to matters of losing weight, it’s said to be more efficient than cycling. 

Obitrack can fit within a 2 by 2.5 feet space and also has wheels so that it can be moved easily. Skybrand is offering it at Rs 36,000 with discounts.    

For increasing stamina:  Stationary bikes are perhaps the most used home based gym equipment and for good reasons. When it comes to warm ups as well as building your stamina, they are considered one of the best. What’s more, there are many variations of stationery bikes. You can easily choose one according to your needs.

Shrestha though wants people to know these options aren’t only for the young. The spin X bike for instance has a fly wheel that makes it suitable for people with joint problems. There are the recumbent bikes as well that have a comfortable seat, rather than a bicycle style mount. This can be used by the elderly to get their own daily dose of workout. A 15-20 minute spin is more than enough. 

These machines too are compact, fitting in a space of 2 by 2.5 ft at most and can be adjusted. Their current offer starts from Rs 37,000.

Treadmills: There are many home-based treadmills that are light and foldable as well. However, Shrestha warns people to pay attention to the ‘maximum user weight’ tabs that are mentioned on the equipment. 

As he put it, “There  are treadmills that can withstand more weight than the others and this needs to be considered. If you choose a treadmill that can’t withstand your weight, you may not get your desired results.”
For example, people who weigh around 90 kg need a treadmill that has a range of 2.5 horse power. The price of the treadmill increases with the power of the machine. 

Miscellaneous for your home gym
Stability balls (Rs 1,500 to 2,200 according to size) 
By tackling basic moves like push-ups, squats or planks on unstable surfaces, muscles get more bang for their buck. Stability balls are also great for getting back into shape after an injury. But to get the most from a bouncy fitness routine, make sure to choose the correct size stability ball. 

Resistance bands (Rs 1,200 to 1,500)
Though most Nepalis are yet to discover the benefits of these bands, take our word for it, it’s extremely useful. If you learn to work them the right way, they can help you workout multiple areas of your body. They come in a variety of resistances, including light, medium and heavy so you might want to choose accordingly. 

Weights (Rs 300-350 per 1 kg)
These are obviously a must for any home gym and for obvious reasons. Having weights around the house can be great motivators for anyone who wants to get in shape. You might be surprised how easy it is to fit a little bit of weightlifting in your daily schedule.