Let's stay home

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File Photo/ Republica
By Kunga Hyolmo

Nepal is on a weeklong nationwide lockdown from today. The second confirmed case of COVID-19 has been reported. People are panicking. Groceries are getting emptied. Government agencies, health workers and security bodies are working to tackle this deadly novel virus. All the government and private offices are closed except those who run essential services.

On 23 March, the government decided to impose a nationwide lockdown, couple of hours after the second COVID-19 case confirmed in Kathmandu. But, the major concern in this situation remains; are people staying in their houses? Are people following the instructions of government? Are people well informed about decisions and precautions adopted by the government?

This global situation is not only a pandemic. It is a test for entire humanity. The government's decision to impose lockdown is said to be one of the measures to fight this global emergency. In general, most of the people are taking this lockdown as something tedious and wearisome. Despite nationwide lockdown, people are found strolling around their localities. It seems people are not serious towards the precautionary measures and warnings.

However, there are also positive aspects of the lockdown. It is considered as one of the measures to control COVID-19 transmission. While being confined at homes, people can spend time with their families and loved ones. This is also a good chance for the job holders to take a rest who are fed-up with their routine works for several months. Students can enjoy reading literary books at home. During this leisure period, people can really enjoy life in a different style.

One can spare time for reading books. No one should feel that they are killing their time. Reading books will obviously give different perspectives on various aspects of the society. Students will have an additional time to make better preparations for the examinations.

The parents can spend their time with kids during this period. Family members can really interact with each other. They can do many things together such as cooking, watching movies. Those who are not able to go to cinema can watch movies at their homes itself.  

During the lockdown period, people can broaden the horizon of knowledge by taking free online courses. Distance learning helps us broadening our knowledge.

To show themselves as responsible citizens, they have to strictly follow the government instructions through the one-week lockdown period so as to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The best thing is to stay home as suggested by the WHO and other agencies which are closely assessing the COVID-19 outbreak situation around the world. One should not feel boring to stay home.

The entire world is facing the menace of COVID-19. Everyone is facing a chaotic situation as the deadly virus is spreading like wildfire. So far, more than 16,000 people have been killed and around 250,000 infected due to the COVID-19. Many countries around the world have announced state of emergencies to combat the virus which was originated in China.

The communicable novel coronavirus has forced people to rethink about their social interaction. Hence, the need of the present hour is standing together against COVID-19 by applying strict precautionary measures in Nepal.