Breathalyzers to curb drink driving

By No Author
Published: March 27, 2013 04:06 AM
JUMLA, March 27: Drink driving continues unabated along the Karnali highway leading to an ever increasing number of casualties in road accidents on the highway.

Keeping in view this situation, the District Traffic Police Office (DTPO), Jumla has started using breathalyzers on motorists to curb drink driving. The police have started using breathalyzers for the first time since the opening of the 232-kilometer highway six years ago. [break]

The DTPO said they started using breathalyzers as drink driving on the highway is on the rise. Breathalyzers have been introduced on the joint initiative of the District Police Office (DPO) and DTPO to bring down the number of road accidents, said Pashupati Nath Yogi, chief of traffic police of Jumla. He said drink drivers are being filed up to Rs 1,000.

According to Yogi, revenue collection through fines has increased significantly this year. In the last fiscal year, as many as 531 drivers were punished for violating traffic rules and fined a total of Rs 60, 050. Traffic police have already collected Rs 114,790 in the first three quarters of this fiscal year alone, informed Yogi.

In the current fiscal year, the traffic police have already fined 696 drivers in the district.

“We fine the first time offenders up to Rs 1,000. But if the drivers are found committing the same offence repeatedly we even seize their driving licenses,” said Yogi.