CHITWAN, Nov 26: The BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital has begun providing treatment free of cost to the children suffering from cancer.
The hospital, which was only providing bed, food, and radiotherapy, has extended service by providing chemo and medicines after the Health Ministry decided to provide cancer treatment free of cost to the children.
Director at the Hospital, Dr Shiva Ji Paudel, informed that Nepal was receiving medicine free of cost from the World Health Organization (WHO) for the treatment of 35 types of child cancer.
However, till the government receives it, the Hospital is providing medicines on its own. "After the Health Ministry ensured resources, we launched treatment including medicine to the children suffering from cancer for free of cost," he added.
Similarly, Deputy Director at Hospital, Dr Umesh Nepal, said the hospital receives a huge number of children suffering from cancer. "It is difficult to manage treatment on its own cost. So, the Ministry took initiative in this regard with assurance of resources.
Oncologist at the hospital, Dr Krishna Sagar Sharma, said the cancer can be cured if the cancer is diagnosed in children on time.
Nepal records some 1,500 children getting cancer every year. Among them, only half come to the hospital for treatment.