Bijukchhe bats for earliest election of local bodies

By Republica
Published: August 29, 2016 07:19 PM

BHAKTAPUR, Aug 29: Nepal Workers Peasants Chairperson Narayan Man Bijjukche has pressed for the local bodies' election at the earliest for he argued that the elections would be delayed while waiting for the restructuring of the local units. 

Speaking at the Rafat Media Club at Bhaktapur on Monday, Bijukchhe raised questions on the role of the Speaker of the House Onsari Gharti, stating that she was being more of a political party's cadre than the Speaker of the House lately.

He also remarked that the SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation to be inked would be controlled by India and it would not do any good to Nepal. 

Furthermore, Bijukchhe accused of picking India favored members in the current Council of Ministers. 

He expressed his quake over the performance of Indian ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae, stating that he was working at the best interest of India rather than working in the best interest of the both Nepal and India. 

Bijukchhe demanded the Indian envoy be sent back to India as soon as possible. RSS