Beat the heat

By No Author
Published: May 03, 2013 12:40 PM
The mercury is rising and you can feel it as the day progresses. So, how do you cope with the heat this summer? Besides the essentials, like applying tons of sunscreen lotion and putting on a hat while heading out, here are a few tips that will help you keep your cool in the sweltering summer!

Cool off with damp sheets and a fan
With rising temperatures in summer, it’s necessary to find ways to keep our bodies cool and protected from the heat. Cool down fast by treating the pulse spots of your body. Ice packs, cool compresses or cold water applied to these areas help chill your blood vessels effectively and consequently lower your overall body temperature.[break]

Keep in mind that the symptoms of heat-related illnesses are caused not only when you become dehydrated but also when you lose salt through sweating. Heat exhaustion also causes you to lose salt through profuse sweating. So, sports drinks will replenish both water and salt. Also eat salty snacks.


Don’t drink beverages with alcohol to rehydrate
Such drinks may interfere with your body’s ability to control your temperature. Replace the fluids that your body has lost by drinking water, or other cool beverages (not alcoholic or caffeinated drinks which can work as a dietetic, and exasperate the condition). Drink plenty of liquids, coconut water, butter milk, fruit juices and at least 10 glasses of water daily.

Eat the right foods
Banana, bitter gourd, grapefruit, watermelon, tomatoes and pineapple are good for summer. Foods that are astringent are good for reducing body heat. Vegetables are cooling, and consuming lots of vegetables and vegetable juices help lower the body temperature considerably. Eat light food and avoid hot, spicy and oily foods. Also opt for foods high in water content, including fruits and salads.

Wear light clothes
Avoid wearing clothes made of polyester, blended and synthetic fibers. These fabrics don’t allow the skin to breathe as natural fabrics do. Choose loose-fitting cotton and linen clothes that let your body breathe and allow perspiration to evaporate. Also, light colors are generally cooler than dark ones. Open shoes with good support will keep your feet comfortable and cool.

Some simple tips to keep you cool this summer
l Blend 2/3 cucumbers with their peels and mix the blended cucumber paste with a small quantity of Fuller’s Earth so that you have a watery mixture. Apply this paste to your entire body and allow it to dry completely before rinsing it off with cold water. This is a cooling body pack that will help to cool and nourish your skin.

l Apply a paste of Fuller’s Earth and sandalwood powder to the soles of your feet, neck and face. Wash off once the paste dries. This has cooling properties and prevents prickly heat.

l Try a few mint or menthol products to cool your skin: slather on lotion with peppermint (avoid your face and eyes), shower with peppermint soap and use a minty foot soak, and powders with mint. Mint refreshes the skin and leaves a nice cooling sensation.

l Have a cold water shower once or twice a day or pamper yourself with a short cold water soak. While cold water shower helps to cool down your skin, a cold water soak is very effective in cooling the entire body and bringing down your core temperature.

l Remember to wear sunglasses and apply a good sunscreen to protect your skin. Wet face wipes are useful if you need to refresh and cleanse your skin while on the move. And don’t forget to take a bottle of cool filtered water and some fruits while going out.

l You can also apply a paste of henna on your hair. This is believed to have a cooling effect and is also considered a good hair conditioner. Another home remedy is to apply cold slices of bottle gourd to the soles of your feet. Bottle gourd is believed to help the body release heat.