Ban on construction materials stalls Udayapur projects

Published: June 27, 2018 04:10 AM

UDAYAPUR, June 27:  As a part of the 'President Chure Tarai Madhesh Program', the extraction as well as buying and selling of construction materials has been banned in 12 districts attached with Chure since mid-July. This has directly affected various multi-million dollar projects in the district causing huge losses for the entrepreneurs.

According to the stakeholders, this has not just affected the minor development projects but also the construction of the projects of national pride. According to Chief Administrative Officer Taranath Luitel, around 100 small and large scale projects have been affected by this decision. He said that the construction of 400-meter embankments on both sides of the Luhale River of Khaijanpur and dozens other under-construction sewers and bridges have been stalled halfway. "Most of our projects were in the final stage of completion but unfortunately they have been halted after the ban on construction materials," claims Luitel.

As the ban will be lifted only after mid-July, Construction Entrepreneurs Association, Udayapur has expressed concerns over the delay of a large number of projects. Bhim Rai, chairperson of the Association, said that the ban has hugely affected the construction of the much-awaited alternative route of Dharan-Chatara-Gaighat-Sindhuli and various other bridges, buildings, roads, culverts among others. 

"This is the time when we need more construction materials," said Rai, adding, "This has not just halted the projects but has caused huge losses to the entrepreneurs." Jayabikram Rai, chief of Triyuga Municipality ward no.12, laments that the construction of a model road was in its final stage but it has been stalled due to the ban. "We were just about to blacktop the road after completing all other work when the ban was imposed," said ward chief Rai.

As stated by Ramesh Raut, chairperson of the consumers committee, they might have to deal with a huge loss if they are not allowed to extract or buy construction materials anytime soon.  This ban has been imposed in 12 districts attached with Chure area for two months after the decision taken by the District Coordination Committee Chief Khadga Pariyar on July 7, 2014 was publicized.