Armed Police Jumla conducts Table Top Exercise program on the eve of Earthquake Safety Day

By Golden Buda
Published: January 14, 2023 07:00 PM

JUMLA, Jan 14: Armed Police Jumla has conducted a table top exercise program for earthquake safety awareness. Armed Police Force 33 Tripura Battalion Jumla organized a security awareness program on the eve of the 25th Earthquake Safety Day.

The armed police have organized a table top exercise program in the presence of concerned agencies on Friday. The program was held with the slogan 'Earthquake safe, infrastructure safe, life's base'. A table exercise was conducted on the role of the concerned agencies in the post-earthquake situation. Six groups have been formed and discussed by the Armed Police to conduct the table top exercise.

Local level representatives, government offices, security agencies, citizens and journalists, Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS) and Public Health Office and non-governmental sector have been organized an awareness program with table top exercises and group discussions. In the program, as an example, an earthquake has occurred and a group discussion has been presented on how to mobilize the relevant agencies. Police Inspector Yam Bahadur Budha Magar of the District Police Office, Lieutenant Adityajung Shahi of the Nepalese Army and Chief of National Investigation Department Rajkumar Neupane gave a presentation on how to mobilize the police in the event of an earthquake.

Regarding the role of the concerned bodies after the earthquake, Dwanda Bahadur Shahi, Senior Administrative Officer of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, Teaching Hospital, Public Health Service Officer, Press Sumai, Nima Dev, Sub-Engineer in the Department of Urban Development and Building Construction on behalf of the government agencies and Sanjiv Shrestha on the behalf of the non-governmental agency, and Netra Bahadur Shahi, president of Federation of Nepali Nepal Journalists Jumla, gave a presentation about their work and role. Assistanr Chief District Officer Pramila Rizal said that there was a program to gather in front of the district administration at 8 am and take out a rally with placards. According to Rizal, after that, there was a program to show earthquake safety draws in front of the Balmandir.