Are you an awesome flirt?

By Shikha Bahety
Published: October 11, 2018 09:48 AM

We were focused on a discussion on flirting during a get-together. The discussion lasted for a couple of hours.  As we got deeper into the subject of being a flirt while in a relationship, everyone shared their own opinion. Some said that it was an inborn talent which could do no harms if the intentions were right. While, others thought that it was wrong, especially if you were already in a relationship.

Flirting is a kind of social interaction. We flirt with people who we want to know about. Some are gifted flirts; anything they say ends up sounding romantic. But, is flirting cheating? Some say it is when you cross the line. Now, what line are we talking about? Would you inform your partner that you have been talking to a stranger for a long time? People had their own opinion.  They said it depended on the person you were with. If the partner is cool with the idea of you hanging out with others, then you should tell them. 

Relationships are based on trust and the space that you can give to the other person. So, why would you want them to change now? In this busy life, unless you are in the same field, you are not connected all the time. You are connected with multiple people. It is perfectly fine when your conversations go on and on with people you have just met. There are things that revolve around flirting where you need not think twice. You should be clear at heart even if you have the power of wooing people. 

There are times when it gets crazy. Possessive nature causes such problems. What they are searching is the attention of their partner. It is so insane when small things turn out to be a lot more complicated for no reason.