Add protection to your phone

By Republica
Published: July 09, 2016 10:18 AM

Almost all of us have smart phones these days, and we all know the pain of getting the screens scratched or cracked, or and when they accidentally get drowned. But how many of us actually use some commonsense protective measures to protect our dear phones?

Start with a sturdy, protective case. No matter how “strong” your phone is advertised to be, an impact of a fall might give it a serious damage. Cases come in varieties of designs and materials. Choose the one that has rough rubber covering that coats the whole phone.

If you choose a case without any screen covering, invest in a strong glass protector for your touch screen.

With a wide range of selection, you can opt for the one that not only makes your device’s screen scratchproof, but also protects it from cracking.

Besides, make sure you don’t put your phone and keys and coins in the same pocket. Don’t make/take calls with wet hands and be very careful when using your phone in the bathroom unless you’re absolutely sure that it’s waterproof.

Since it is monsoon, it’s a good idea to carry a small plastic bag along to put your phone in, in case of a rainfall. Last but not the least; keep your device out of reach of children and pets.